

Peter Turkeltaub, MD, PhD

Director, NoL Training Program

Rachel Galginaitis, MS

Administrator, NoL Training Program


Thomas Coate, PhD

Associate Professor, Biology

Coate Lab

Research Interests: Mechanisms of SGN-hair cell connectivity, intercellular communication between SGNs and the cochlear mesenchyme.

Andrew DeMarco, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine

DeMarco Advanced Research in Neurorehabilitation (DARN) Lab

Research Interests: Neural and cognitive architecture of the speech and language systems, how those systems break down in stroke aphasia, and how they become reorganized via neuroplasticity during recovery.

Guinevere Eden, DPhil

Professor, Pediatrics

Center for the Study of Learning

Research Interests: Neural basis of learning and its disorders.

Mackenzie Fama, Ph.D., CCC-SLP 

Adjunct Professor, Rehabilitation Medicine

Fama Aphasia Recovery Lab

Research Interests: Improving language recovery and quality of life for people with aphasia and related communication disorders

Rhonda Friedman, PhD

Professor, Neurology

Center for Aphasia Research and Rehabilitation
Research Interests: How language is processed in the normal brain; how language breaks down in a brain damaged by stroke, head injury, or dementia; and how the brain recovers language functions -- with or without therapy -- in the months and years following the injury.

William Gaillard, MD

Adjunct Professor, Neurology
Comprehensive Pediatric Epilepsy Program
Research Interests: Utilizing advanced structural and functional imaging to examine the effects of epilepsy on brain structure and function

Anna Greenwald, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neurology
Cognition and Emotion after Stroke Project
Research Interests: Visual and auditory perception, attention, and brain plasticity.

Xiong Jiang, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroimaging Laboratory
Research Interests: Using neuroimaging techniques such as MRI and EEG/ERP to study brain function and plasticity; Developing and testing neuroimaging techniques that that are sensitive to neural injury at early stages of neurodegenerative diseases

Barbara Landau, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Neurology
Language and Cognition Lab
Research Interests: Human knowledge of language and space, and the relationships between these two foundational systems of knowledge

Tina Liu, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neurology
Visual Perception and Plasticity Lab
Research Interests: Neuroplasticity in heathy and clinical populations across the lifespan

Elissa Newport, PhD

Professor, Neurology

Center for Brain Plasticity and Recovery
Research Interests: the acquisition of language, the relationship between language acquisition and language structure, and the recovery of language after damage to the brain early in life.

Josef Rauschecker, PhD, DSc

Professor, Neuroscience

Laboratory for Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition
Research Interests: Functional organization and plasticity of the cerebral cortex, with special emphasis on the neural substrates of audition in humans and nonhuman primates.

Max Riesenhuber, PhD

Professor, Neuroscience

Laboratory for Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
Research Interests: Neurocomputational mechanisms underlying human object recognition and learning across sensory modalities as a gateway to understanding the neural bases of intelligent behavior.

Ella Striem-Amit, PhD

Assistant Professor, Neuroscience
Sensory and Motor Plasticity Lab

Research Interests: Utilization of state-of-the-art behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques to study people who experienced early sensory and motor deprivation: people born blind, deaf or without hands. 

Ted Supalla, PhD

Professor, Neurology
Sign Language Research Lab
Research Interests: American Sign Language acquisition, processing and history, and the evolution and structure of homesign, international pidgin sign and signed languages of the world.

Peter Turkeltaub, MD, PhD

Professor, Neurology

Cognitive Recovery Lab
Research Interests: How the brain performs language and cognitive functions, how these brain systems change in the face of injury or dysfunction, and how we can improve recovery. 

Michael Ullman, PhD

Professor, Neuroscience

Brain and Language Lab
Research Interests: Neurocognition of language, memory, and other aspects of cognition in healthy populations and disorders. 

Predoctoral Scholars

Mia Coutinho
Advisor: Guinevere Eden
Research Interests: Neuroanatomy of bilingualism

Iria Gutierrez-Schieferl
Advisor: Guinevere Eden
Research Interests: Sex-specific neuroanatomical differences in Reading Disability

Postdoctoral Scholars

Elizabeth Anderson, PhD
Advisors: Peter Turkeltaub, Andrew DeMarco
Research Interests: How the language system is impaired in individuals with post-stroke aphasia; brain dynamics underlying lexical retrieval during language production; semantic errors

Trevor K.M. Day, PhD
Advisor: Elissa Newport, Peter Turkeltaub
Research Interests: Brain development and interactive specialization; acquisition of syntax, especially argument structure; fMRI processing and analysis, including resting-state


Lillian Chang
Advisor: Max Riesenhuber
Research Interests: Functional architecture underlying speech and language processes of different modalities, particularly the cross-modal organization between reading, spoken words, and lipreading; Changes to the functional architecture of speech after learning.

Sara Dyslin, MS
Advisor: Peter Turkeltaub
Research Interests: Mechanisms of neuroplasticity post-injury; Typical organization and function of the reading network; Dysfunction and compensation within the reading network in post-stroke alexia.

Christian Navarro-Torres, PhD
Advisor: Guinevere Eden
Research Interests: Cognitive and neural bases of bilingual language processing, the bioecology of bilinguals, the relation between language processing and general-purpose neurocognition.

Sarah F. Phillips, PhD
Advisor: Elissa Newport, Peter Turkeltaub
Research Interests: Neural bases and development of syntactic/semantic processing, bilingual language processing, bilingual language acquisition/development.

Advisory & Review Committee

Community Advisory Committee